Ever heard of EyeQ-lympix?

Parents, I hope you had the opportunity to take your kids to the EyeQ-lympix which was held at One Utama recently. If you didn’t then I guess you missed on what has been dubbed as the ‘greatest mind-building event of the year’ for children!

It was organised by Abbot Nutrition who were promoting their Gain Eye-Q Nutrition System.

I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. Well, experts agree that play is a child’s most favourite way of learning. In fact, some may even go on to say that children are never more serious than they are during their play-time.
There were lots of activities for the kids that were specifically designed to incorporate elements of both fun and learning. At the same time, the activities were also custom-made to challenge the mathematical, memory, logical and conceptualising skills of the children.

There were resounding waves of laughter and excitement as children braved the complexities of the different activities, all in the spirit of good, wholesome fun and learning. Children who completed all five of the mind-building activities also took home with them an EyeQ-lympix Gold Medal, much to the delight of their proud parents.

I managed to speak to Goh Kay Yin, Marketing Manager of the Paediatric Nutrition Division of Abbott Nutrition who stressed the importance of preparing a child for mental development at an early age with the right stimulation and also nutrition. Apparently this is the first time that Abbot Nutrition is having such an event in Malaysia.

The EyeQ-lympix event also gave parents the opportunity to understand the science behind brain nutrition at the Eye-Q Research Centre, whereby nutrition experts were on hand to enlighten them on ways to obtain complete brain nutrients through a nutritious and balanced diet.

With an EyeQ-lympix Gold Medal in hand, the kids were cherishing their shining medallion, while their parents beamed with pride of having watched their kids accomplish the greatest mind-building event of the year. A sense of satisfaction resonated in the atmosphere as EyeQ-lympix was essentially an enriching learning experience on brain development for the whole family.

Judging from the excitement and the laughter erupting from both parents and children when I left One Utama that day, I'm pretty sure this won't be the first and last EyeQ-lympix event organised by Abbot.

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